Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stuff Worth Reading/Random Wednesday

1. Make It Simple. Making progress goes back to the basics.

2. Training Tips. Which ones do you do correctly or incorrectly?

3. A great question I had today:

Yesterday, I tried to figure out what my deal was with anything “lunge-like” and am thinking I feel like my knee/leg wants to twist in, like the inside of my leg is not as strong – is that fixable? I would appreciate any guidance, I want to conquer the lunge world.

With the lunge situation....remember how your groin (adductors) kept cramping up the first day? Your groin is tight and in turn overactive. This and having a tight pectineus muscle (the muscle in your glute that was causing you pain) makes your knee want to turn in. Simply put, working specifically on loosening up your groin and pectineus with foam rolling will help even out the force wanting to pull your knee inward. Strengthening your glutes (which are in charge keeping your knee turned out) will help greatly too. So yes it will get better in time.

4. Another great email:

I noticed something yesterday and thought I'd share with you.........there was definition in my arm that wasn't there a few months ago. So even though it sucks sometimes and I complain probably too much it's working and for that I thank you!!!

5. Don't tell a girl she needs to loose weight. I didn't, but had an situation this week where someone close to me was told she needed to loose weight. I don't know the whole story but that's the last thing a girl needs to hear.

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