Thursday, March 19, 2009

Quick Information On Force Couples

I talk about anterior pelvic tilt quite a bit and I feel I've explained a dozen times this week why someone shouldn't be stretching their hamstrings in most situations. Here is a some geeky information on the force couples and what needs to be worked on if these force couples are out of balance. This may not make a whole lot of sense to everyone. The human body is an amazing thing. Each situation is different so this is kind of a starting point in most situations.

Anterior Force Couple

Anterior Force (Hip Flexors):
- Psoas
- Iliacus
- Rectus Femoris

Posterior Force:
- Spinal erectors (pulling on back side of pelvis)

Anterior Pelvic Tilt (Lumbar Lordosis)

Muscles to strengthen:
- Rectus Abdominus
- External Obliques
- Gluteals
- Hamstrings

Muscles to stretch:
- Psoas
- Illiacus
- Rectus Fremoris
- Spinal Erectors

Posterior Force Couple

Posterior Force:
- Gluteals
- Hamstrings

Anterior Force:
- Rectus Abdominus
- External Obliques

Posterior Pelvic Tilt (Thoracic Kyphosis)

Muscles to Strengthen:
- Psoas
- Iliacus
- Rectus Femoris
- Spinal Erectors

Muscles to Stretch:
- Rectus Abdominus
- External Obliques
- Gluteals
- Hamstrings

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